In 2016 the Russian economy saw the collapse of the ruble and an economic recession. This led to many newborns being abandoned at hospitals at birth with no name, identity, care or future. For the first year of their life, these malnourished and uncared for children are deprived of love, warmth, routine food and support. In 2018 Giving Hearts purchased a family-style orphan home for a caretaker family to live in. This family then reunited two brothers and a sister that were split across different orphanages around the country and later adopted several more brother/sister couples totalling a happy family of 8 ex-orphans.
Today in the Ural region of Russia, orphan homes are a place of child abuse, mistreatment and a poor quality of life for children. By placing eight children in the hands of loving parents who yearned to have more kids in addition to their own daughter, these children have been brought into a loving family and a healthy environment to raise and grow. Giving Hearts couldn’t be more happy receiving wonderful pictures on father’s day and holiday’s of smiles in this large family.